For those of you who are parents of students either entering college and trying to help your almost adult child figure out a course of study or have a child in college and are trying to help them figure out what to do post college, you are in the right place.
Consider the enormous amount of time, energy, and money you have put into your children to ensure they end up at the right college. Well done! The importance of college as the transition to adulthood for those fortunate enough is vital.
But, the world has shifted. Dramatically.
The old paradigm: send your children to college and trust that they will figure out what to do for their career.
The majority of your generation followed this path and until the mid 2000s this course of action probably turned out reasonably well.
But, that paradigm is done.
As before, most enter college with little knowledge about the work world and their skills, personality, and values in relation to how they might fit into the work world. And, many do little to figure out these issues during college.
So what goes on in college? Surely, you remember! This current generation might be among the last that indulges – and that truly is the most accurate word – INDULGES in the college experience of high social immersion and minimal career exploration and training.
The result: more than half of all college students take longer than four years to graduate, largely because they switch majors or transfer or simply meander through college without a distinct plan. And, more than half of all college graduates boomerang back home.
How do we help?
We provide an outside, objective, resource to provide actionable career counseling advice on college majors, programs of study, and best possible career paths for our clients to follow.