Universities and Employability in the Knowledge Economy
By tlcfairfieldUncategorizedGreat Big Think video: Fareed Zakaria on universities as employer filters
The simple summary is that we live in a knowledge economy. College provides a filtering mechanism for employers to quickly sort out who to interview among thousands of applications. Zakaria uses the example of a Wall Street investment bank with 20,000 plus applicants and a couple hundred spots. They will interview at colleges such as Harvard and at Penn’s Wharton School of Business. While he didn’t say so, obviously this means the banks won’t interview at places such as the University of New Haven or Central Connecticut.
Many Fairfield County, Connecticut students expect to maintain the lifestyles of their parents. I’m not suggesting that this should be your goal. But, if it is, then know we are in a knowledge economy and having credentials that demonstrate that you are capable of learning will ensure future employability.